R-Backup Plus
Protect your business against data loss and downtime with River Run’s R-Backup Plus, R-Cloud Plus and Disaster Recovery services. R-Backup Plus is a redundant business continuity solution that backs your system up locally and at two data centers located on the east and west coasts. This solution is a “must have” for the client that cannot afford downtime and needs to continue to operate their business while recovering from a server failure or complete disaster. We take the time to review your data storage needs, how your current process is working, then determine if changes are needed with a Disaster Recovery Plan and Business Continuity Plan. With an automated, predictable local or offsite backup solution, your business will experience minimal downtime and high availability in the event of data loss. River Run keeps your data secure when faced with such a catastrophic event.
Choose from local or offsite options, including cloud backups. Whether you need to update to a more reliable backup solution or improve your existing backup system, River Run develops plans that mitigate risk to ensure your sensitive and critical data is safe and accessible.
Replicated Backup Protection
The Backup Plus solution automatically and securely backs up your data and stores the data in three locations: one encrypted copy on your premises and two encrypted copies at offsite facilities.
Automatic Incremental Backups
The Backup Plus solution can be customized to back up your data at set intervals or in real time.
Onsite and Offsite Virtualization Prevents Downtime
In the event your server is unresponsive, the Backup Plus service allows us to bring your services back online either locally or at the offsite data center. Your team is able to continue working while the server is being repaired.
Links to River Run Backup Articles:
What is Network Support?
Tips to avoid Email Viruses
5 Common IT Mistakes that Businesses make
Links To River Run Backup Case Studies:
Providing an immediate response during a critical Server Failure
Providing Network stability during times of Growth
Backup Plus and Team Model save Money, Data and Continuity
Contact River Run to make sure your data is backed up.
Call 414-228-7474 to talk to an expert in backup storage or email info@River-Run.com.